Lazarus Saturday
April 12th, 2025
Lazarus Saturday commemorates Jesus' raising of his friend Lazarus from the dead, just before he went to Jerusalem himself, eight days before his Resurrection. In remembrance of the miracle, some choirs meet in the churche of Agios Nikolaus ton Geronton and walk in procession along the city streets, singing the so-called “Lazarus’ kalandas”..
There are many traditions people are just not willing to part with. Lazarus Saturday tradition is one of them. Adults and children alike gather in small groups and go from house to house in town to sing the "kalanta" or carols, celebrating this awesome miracle of Christ.
On Corfu a man wears a red shirt and around his waist he ties colorful ribbons. He then parades like this from home to home, holding up a cane that has a depiction of Lazarus’ face carved on its head. Musicians who play carols that sound more like serenades accompany him. A long time ago, people were obligated to buy a decoration that adorned his cane (such as fake jewelry, etc), for if they hung it over their beds, and then these gems would bring them good fortune. Unfortunately, this tradition is only practiced in the Old Quarter of Corfu town, but nonetheless is a tradition that has recently been once again revived.
In traditional households "Lazarakia" are baked, little loaves of bread that look like St. Lazarus.
At 11.30 am, the Church of SS Nicolas of the Elders and Lazarus, which celebrates at this day, sees choral ensembles from various places on the island start on processions, singing the Lazarus Carols. After they end their divergent itineraries, they meet at 12.30 to sing the same carols at the Old Town Hall.
In the village of Episkepsi (Northern Corfu), you can experience a custom unique to Corfu and perhaps to all Greece. In the evening, local choir followed by crowd of villagers and visitor goes from house to house playing and singing sings the Lazarus carols. They are offered food and drinks and the feast goes on all night.