Maundy Thursday
April 18th, 2025
Holy Thursday celebrates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. In the evening, the Holy Passion service of the reading of the Twelve Gospels is conducted and the crucifixion is re-enacted. In the Duomo, the Catholic Cathedral, 12 candles are lit and put out one at a time after the reading of each of the 12 Gospels.
On the same day, the ringing of the first bell means it is time for the Easter eggs to be dyed red, a custom that symbolises the rebirth of life and nature.
The white lamps of the famous Liston street (and some others) are turned into melancholic magenta, the colour of mourning, from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday, painting the streets with deep mournful yet dreamy tone. Corfu is doing the last preparations for the celebration of Easter. In the old town, at the headquarters of the philharmonic bands, they do last-minute rehearsals.
Continuing the customs, on the evening of Thursday of the Holy Week the traditional "Kolombina', (the sweet bread with a red egg on the top) is shared and in each church the ceremony of the Crucifixion begins, the most important religious event of the Holy week.
In many churches, the enactment of the crucifixion and the sound of the nails on the holy cross can be a truly moving and poignant experience. The Crucified Lord remains hung upon the cross until noon on Good Friday when the Apocathelosis (removal of the nails) takes place and crucified Jesus is carried to his position on the Holy Altar.