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St. John's Feast - A Peak Into The Future


On the 24th of June Saint John the Prodromos (Baptist) was born, Jesus Christ’s profit, a very loved Saint in Greece, who is believed to bring good luck. According to the Bible, John was born about six months before Jesus; therefore, the feast of John the Baptist was fixed on 24 June, six months before Christmas Eve. This feast day is one of the very few saints' days, which commemorate the anniversary of the birth, rather than the death, of the saint, being honored.

The Feast of St. John closely coincides with the June solstice or midsummer and the festivities are held mostly the night before, on St. John's Eve. The festival, known as a 'Lampata or Lampatines,' is very traditional and is held in many villages around the island.

As the sun is setting down, people start lighting fires in every neighbourhood. There are three fires lit on three-way intersections. Each neighbourhood competes on displaying the best and largest fire, seen as something that is both beneficial and purifying. The Saint John’s fire purifies and removes evil and sets with her flame a new beginning that is why men and women jump over the fire to ward off evil forces. Some people hold a stone, and while jumping over the fire they throw it back over their head saying “let all evil go” «ας φύγουν όλα τα κακά» First of course jump the more brave men and when the flame settles the rest follow. They jump the fire three times, (since this number is symbolic and directly connected to Greek tradition and the Orthodox religion) to cast away all evil.

The 1st May wreaths are then thrown into the flames to drive away witches. What‘s left of the previous year’s crop of oregano is burnt as well, as this is the day when the new crop begins.

At that point, local people sing and dance around the fire to the accompaniment of musicians playing old traditional tunes. Of course, eating and drinking are very much a part of the celebration. People are jumping fires, singing, dancing. Hoping for evil to be cast away by Saint John and celebrating the beginning of summer.

On the verge of predicting the future, it is said that the young couple who will cross the fire on opposite direction at the same time, will get married. Unmarried girls believe that this night they will hear their future husband’s name in their sleep. Another way as to predict who will they marry is to sit naked in front of the mirror at midnight. That is when their husband-to-be face will show in the mirror. If they want to learn more than just a name, all they have to do is put three almonds under the pillow. One of them is peeled, the other unpeeled and the last one half-peeled. As soon as they wake up in the morning, they randomly touch one of the almonds. Depending on the state of the peel, they can determine the wealth of their future husband.

Hard to believe? You have no choice but to try.

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